Weights or Cardio: Which Should Come First?

Weights or Cardio: Which Should Come First?
weight loss cardio workout- weight cardio,

To do cardio first, or weights? That is the question. But before you can answer it, you need to know your goals.

Objective: Want to lose weight.

If weight loss is your goal, weights before cardio is your best bet. For an American Council on Exercise study, the State University researchers in western Colorado explored the optimal order training exercises. After 24 training sessions, each in a different order of exercise, the researchers found that the first weightlifting leads to a higher heart rate, which means burning more calories cardio for his money. While having more energy to lift heavier weights, which increases your metabolic muscle mass.

Objective: You want to look skinny.

If you want to show abs and strong arms seriously in a swimsuit on the beach or in a scenario of bikini competition, split your cardio training and strength training for several days. What for? "In looking for a lean, athletic physique, must be able to perform both types of exercise at 100 percent," said Michael Berg, a certified personal trainer based in New York City. "By dividing the focus of individual training session, divide the amount of energy you can devote to each activity. "However, if you make a relentless weight training session Monday and a Tuesday cardio interval training session, your body is able recover at night so it can perform at its peak during training on Tuesday. If you need to make a mash-up training, Berg proposed to lift weights first, then cardio.

Objective: You're training for a race.

Whether you are biking a century or running a half marathon, do your cardio first. Research published in the Journal of Strength & Conditioning Research found that the muscle that worked for the first time the most benefit. In this case, if you are cycling or first race, the muscles needed to excel in a fast race will be stronger. Basically, order training, the priority of your goal.

Objective: I just want to be healthy.

When your goal is not to peak performance and maximum weight loss, you have much leeway. In fact, when moderate exercise is preparing to say three times a week to do both strength training and cardiovascular exercise order does not affect the results, according to a study published in European Journal of Applied Physiology. Which means, if you prefer to hit the weight room before spinning class, go ahead. After all, the best training is that they actually do.

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What are the physical and psychological effects of drug abuse and addiction?

What are the physical and psychological effects of drug abuse and addiction?
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While the specific physical and psychological effects of drug abuse and addiction tend to vary depending on the particular substance involved, the overall effects of abuse or addiction to a drug can be devastating. Psychologically, intoxication or withdrawal of a substance can cause any of the euphoria that alcohol, ecstasy or intoxication by inhalation, paranoia marijuana intoxication or steroids, severe depression or suicidal thoughts amphetamine or cocaine withdrawal. As for the effects on the body, poisoning substance can produce physical effects ranging from drowsiness and slowed breathing marked by intoxication with heroin or sedative hypnotics, rapid heartbeat cocaine intoxication, or withdrawal seizures Alcohol tremors.

What are the causes and risk factors of drug abuse and addiction?

Like most other mental health problems, drug abuse and addiction have no single cause. However, a number of biological, psychological and social factors, called risk factors, which can increase the likelihood of developing a chemical abuse or chemical dependency disorder of a person. The frequency with which substance use disorders occur in families appears to be greater than could be explained by an addictive family environment. Therefore, most of the drug professionals recognize a genetic aspect risk addiction.

Psychological associations with substance abuse or addiction include mood disorder such as depression, anxiety or bipolar disorder, mental disorders such as schizophrenia and personality disorders such as antisocial personality. Social risk factors for drug abuse and addiction are males, ranging between 18 and 44 Native American heritage, single marital status and lower socioeconomic status. According to statistics from the state, people residing in the West tend to be more at risk of abuse or chemical dependency. While men have a higher risk of developing a chemical dependency and alcoholism, women seem to be more vulnerable to becoming addicted to alcohol, much lower amounts of alcohol consumption..

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Best Foods for Your Heart

Best Foods for Your Heart
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A healthy diet can be good for the heart and its size.
"You can certainly reduce your risk of developing cardiovascular disease by eating certain foods every day," says Julie Zumpano, RD, LD, a dietitian with the preventive cardiology program and nutrition at the Cleveland Clinic. "There are a variety of fruits and vegetables that are good for the heart."
"Try to eat foods that are in their natural form, as they come from the earth," says Zumpano recommending what she calls the "diet of whole foods."

This plan includes, of course, healthy food for the heart, such as fish, whole grains, vegetables and fruits, but do not be afraid to make fun time to time with a glass of red wine or a piece dark chocolate Ms. Zumpano said. It suggests that the list be used as a guide to create meals and snacks with a healthy approach. A few simple swaps can make a big difference to your heart health.

15 foods that are good for the heart

  1. Eat fish rich in omega-3, such as salmon, tuna, mackerel, herring and trout.
  2. A handful of healthy nuts like almonds or walnuts will satisfy your hunger and help your heart.
  3. Berries are full of fiber and soluble phytonutrients healthy for the heart. Try blueberries, strawberries, blueberries or raspberries on cereal or yogurt.
  4. Flaxseeds contain omega-3 fatty acids, fatty acids, fiber and phytoestogens to boost heart health. Take them as a soil or soil to reap the most benefits.
  5. Oatmeal: central comfort nutrients.
  6. Black beans like black beans or kidney disease, are rich in fiber, B vitamins, minerals and other good things. Vegetarian Chili, anyone?
  7. A 4 ounce glass of red wine (up to two for men and one for women a day) can help improve the good (HDL) cholesterol.
  8. Try marinating tofu in a sauce with fresh vegetables for a healthy lunch for the heart or dinner.
  9. Red, yellow and orange vegetables such as carrots, sweet potatoes, red peppers and squash are packed with carotenoids, fiber and vitamins to help your heart.
  10. Popeye was right - spinach packs a punch! Use in salads and sandwiches instead of lettuce.
  11. Fruits like oranges, melons and papayas are rich in beta-carotene, potassium, magnesium and fiber.
  12. Tender, fresh asparagus is packed with powerful nutrients like beta-carotene, folic acid and fiber, and provide only 25 calories per cup, or 5 calories a great spear.
  13. Tomatoes - even varieties dried in the sun in the winter months - provide lycopene, vitamin C and alpha and beta carotene.
  14. Dark chocolate is good for your heart health, but make sure it is at least 70 percent cocoa.
  15. , Crisp broccoli florets costs dipped in hummus is a healthy snack for the big heart, with a huge list of nutrients, including vitamins C and E, potassium, folate, calcium and fiber.

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prevention of allergic rhinitis

prevention of allergic rhinitis
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The best way to prevent allergic rhinitis is to avoid the allergen that causes it.

However, this is not always easy. Allergens such as dust mites, can be difficult to detect and can be played in even the cleanest home. Also sometimes it can be difficult to avoid coming into contact with pets, especially if they belong to family and friends.

Here are some tips to help you avoid the most common allergens.
House dust mite
Dust mites are a major cause of allergies. They are microscopic insects that breed in household dust. Below are a number of ways you can limit the amount of dust mites in your home are as follows:
  • consider buying air-permeable occlusive mattress and bedding covers (this type of bedding acts as a barrier to dust mites and their droppings)
  • choose wood or hard vinyl floor coverings instead of carpet
  • fit roller blinds that can be easily wiped clean
  • clean cushions, soft toys, curtains and upholstered furniture regularly – either by washing or vacuuming them
  • use synthetic pillows and acrylic duvets instead of woollen blankets or feather bedding
  • use a vacuum cleaner fitted with a high efficiency particulate air (HEPA) filter because it can remove more dust than ordinary vacuum cleaners
  • use a damp, clean cloth to wipe surfaces because dry dusting can spread the allergens further
Focuses on controlling dust mites in areas of your home where you spend the most time, such as the bedroom and living room.
No pet skin that causes an allergic reaction, but exposure to your dead skin flakes, saliva and dried urine. If you can not permanently remove a pet in the house, you may find the following tips:

  • keep pets outside as much as possible or limit them to one room, preferably one without carpet
  • do not allow pets in bedrooms
  • wash pets at least once a fortnight
  • groom dogs regularly outside
  • regularly wash all bedding and soft furnishings your pet has been on
If you visit a friend or relative with a pet, ask them not dust or vacuum in the day will visit as it will disrupt the allergens in the air. Take an antihistamine medication one hour before entering a house where pets can help reduce symptoms.


Different plants and trees pollinate at different times of the year, so when I get allergic rhinitis depend on what type of pollen (s) that you are allergic.
Most people are affected during the spring and summer because while most of the trees and pollinate plants. To avoid exposure to pollen, you may find the following tips:

  • check weather reports for the pollen count and stay indoors when it is high
  • avoid line-drying clothes and bedding when the pollen count is high
  • wear wraparound sunglasses to protect your eyes from pollen
  • keep doors and windows shut during mid-morning and early evening, when there is most pollen in the air
  • shower, wash your hair and change your clothes after being outside
  • avoid grassy areas, such as parks and fields, when possible 
  • if you have a lawn, consider asking someone else to cut the grass for you 

Mold spores

Mold can grow on any decaying matter both inside and outside the house. The molds themselves are not allergenic, but spores are released. The spores are released when there is a sudden rise in temperature in a moist environment, such as when central heating is in a house in wet or dry wet clothes next to a fireplace.

Here are some ways you can prevent mold spores:

  • keep your home dry and well ventilated
  • when showering or cooking, open windows but keep internal doors closed to prevent damp air from spreading through the house and use extractor fans
  • do not dry clothes indoors, store clothes in damp cupboards or pack clothes too tightly in wardrobes
  • deal with any damp and condensation in your home

Understanding Allergic Bronchitis - Simple Prevention Tips

prevention of allergic rhinitis- allergy nasal- allergic rhinitis treatments- information on allergies,

Millions of Americans suffer from a disorder or another airway, which can affect their lives in severe forms. A respiratory disorder can be acute or chronic. Acute disorders can be easily treated and short-term. On the other hand, chronic disorders are not only difficult to treat, but it can also leave a disabled person for life prevention of allergic rhinitis. 

 What is allergic bronchitis? 

 Allergic bronchitis is a type of respiratory disorder allergy nasal. It is commonly known as allergic asthma. The immune system of a person suffering from allergic bronchitis is very sensitive and therefore still hyperactive attacks harmless foreign substances that enter the body. To put it another way, the immune system of a participant harmless tags in the body as "dangerous" and produces antibodies to fight it prevention of allergic rhinitis.


 In allergic bronchial irritants and allergens inflamed funds bronchitis and respiratory system. The last condition while the person is exposed to allergens allergy nasal. In addition, allergic bronchitis is closely associated with asthma and respiratory allergies and can lead to conditions such as hay fever and allergic rhinitis prevention of allergic rhinitis . 

 In most cases, allergic bronchitis causes mild to moderate pain. However, it is important to realize that allergic bronchitis can be very dangerous and even deadly. This is because some people are extremely sensitive to allergens. This extreme sensitivity can lead to suffocation caused by airway obstruction by inflamed tissues prevention of allergic rhinitis. People in this condition are in great danger. They need immediate hospitalization and medical care prevention of allergic rhinitis. 

 You know you are a victim of allergic bronchitis when you suffer from shortness of breath, runny nose, red or swollen eyes, hyperventilation, tightness in chest, tickling in the throat, sneezing or coughing, headache, nausea, and so on allergy nasal . When you recognize these symptoms, seek help from a doctor prevention of allergic rhinitis. 

 The treatment of allergic bronchitis 

 The importance of consulting a doctor as soon as you experience symptoms of allergic bronchitis can not be overstated. The doctor will make the necessary steps to find out what type of allergen is responsible for your particular problem. The test involves injecting a fair allergen under the skin and observing how your body reacts.  Your doctor may even ask you to consult an allergist. Allergists perform a series of tests to understand the nature of their allergy to a specific allergen. Furthermore, allergists learned will also prevent relapse of allergic bronchitis. 

 Light treatment for moderate allergic bronchitis is quite simple allergy nasal . You need a lot of knowledge about the disease, and it is also necessary to know the type of allergen responsible for your problem. Once you know, it is easy to simply avoid allergens responsible for your problem allergy nasal. Medical treatment for this condition is the antihistamine drug allergy nasal. 

 Prevention of allergic bronchitis 

 It is easy to manage and even prevent allergic bronchitis. As mentioned above, the easiest way is to determine the particular allergen causing your problem and just stay away from him allergic rhinitis treatments. In addition, it helps to know some things like that allergy nasal. 

 The summer season can worsen this condition simply because during the summer, there are many allergens in the air allergy nasal. 

 Remember to regularly bathe their pets and your skin free of all allergens allergic rhinitis treatments. A large amount of allergens are commonly found in the skin of the animal allergy nasal. 

 Take care of yourself, if you have an allergic bronchitis allergic rhinitis treatments. As mentioned above, the condition can be dangerous. 

 Keep an antihistamine medication with you while traveling allergy nasal. You never know the type of allergens can be found in an unknown location allergy nasal. Take an antihistamine with you will help you to easily control an allergic reaction that may occur allergic rhinitis treatments. 

 Rest assured that it is possible to live a full, happy and productive, even with allergic bronchitis allergic rhinitis treatments. It is very important to stay informed about your illness, ways to treat and how to prevent it allergic rhinitis treatments. Being in touch with your allergist and your doctor. They are the best people to give you all the information you need about allergic bronchitis and teach you how to effectively live with the problem.

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How To Eliminate Toxins From Your Body & Why You Should

How To Eliminate Toxins From Your Body & Why You Should
whole body detox- body cleansing diet- detox or cleanse- a body cleanse,

What are toxins?

Toxins are all around us and we ingest without knowing all the time. They are chemicals and impurities in the air, water and food; even in the products we use every day.
At home: Some of our clothing fabrics, carpets and upholstered furniture are treated with flame retardants charged chemicals that are dangerous to our bodies. Candles and air fresheners may contain toxic chemicals as well. Many common household cleaners and pesticides are loaded with petrochemicals. Since they are designed to kill mold and insects, it is not surprising that these products are extremely harmful to our bodies. Even if we eliminate pesticides in our homes, some cities are spraying from above to kill mosquitoes, ironically reduce the spread of the virus.
In our food: Ingredients such as hydrogenated oils and other additives such as MSG, aspartame, sucralose, colors, and hydrolyzed yeast extract are in the food we buy at the supermarket. Containers some of the food we buy and store foods contain harmful BPA. Also, when we cook with or eat at a restaurant that uses non-stick pans, hazardous chemicals that go right in our meals. (Beautiful, right?)
In our skin: the ingredients used in synthetic fragrances can cause respiratory problems, allergic reactions and skin infections. Sodium laurel sulfate, commonly used for cleaning automobile engines, are also found in the soaps and shampoos. Many toothpastes contain both SLS and aspartame. (Can I get a "EWW" ??)
In the water: As if all this were not enough fear, our water systems contain lead and were treated with chlorine, fluorine, drugs and hundreds of other chemicals that can be harmful when ingested at certain levels.

So what is detoxification and useful?

Detoxification is cleanup and restoration of the body eliminating toxins naturally. While most of the body of the impurities are removed by the liver, toxins are also present in (and can be disposed of) the kidneys, lungs, lymph nodes, intestine and skin. There are many ways to give your body the nutrients needed cleaning and restoration. Experts say a detox can help with a variety of symptoms including lack of energy, headaches, acne, brittle hair or nails, mild pain, agitation, weight loss, hair fall, digestive problems and certain allergies. Some believe detoxify the body once a year, while others recommend methods are the elimination of toxins. Pregnant women, nursing mothers and people with certain medical conditions and diseases should consult a doctor before making any type of detox program.

What are the easiest ways to detoxify the body?

Read the labels. You can begin to remove toxins from your body, to choose foodstuffs and household that do not contain harmful, chemical additives and hormones. I recommend removing any food that is made from organic ingredients. Be sure to reduce your intake of caffeine, saturated fats, alcohol, nicotine, refined sugars and saturated fats. Reduce intake of red meat also.
Beware of household products and personal care items, which are usually loaded with synthetic ingredients. However, to achieve natural organic brands without adding harmful chemicals.

Drink more water filtered, and lots of it. Eat light enough filtered water to clean your system. Water is absolutely vital to maintaining our systems are working properly, and rid our body of toxins. You can also drink pitchers that are designed to make your water more alkaline, as the initiator of LIFE. Also I have one of these Alkalkine Sticks water use at home.
Drinking green tea is a natural purifier. Green tea is packed with polyphenols, which are powerful antioxidants that protect body cells against free radicals. Need more persuaded to go for a drink? Here are 10 reasons why you should drink green tea.

Eat right: There is a reason why the old adage that you are what you eat. In addition to the organic and eliminating foods that are harmful, you can add foods that are useful. For example, foods that are high in fiber and are rich in vitamin C are for body purification. In fact, most natural detox supplements available in health food stores consist of foods rich in fiber and vitamin C.
You can also get your detox by increasing your intake of fruits and berries and dark green leafy vegetables. Its antioxidant pack a punch that will eliminate free radicals in the body.

If you like garlic or cilantro in their dinners, keep eating them! Garlic and cilantro are two of the best body detox naturally available. Garlic helps your body fight the effects of toxins while cilantro has antifungal properties and the ability to remove toxins faster. While you love the pesto sauce it is healthy for you too!

Use the juicer. If you want to get in the purification of these foods, the juice is a great option. Mix a variety of ingredients to find the combination that best suits you. Juicingis particularly useful for those who love some healthy foods, because they can be masked by other flavors.

Consider including wheatgrass or barley, which are rich in vitamins and nutrients. Chlorella is a vegetable that can be added to juice and is highly recommended for its ability to quickly remove toxins from the body.
Fruit pectin is also very popular for juice detox because if its ability to flush out body. Pectins are commonly found in the bone limes, lemons and other citrus fruits, as well as apples, bananas, grapes, carrots and cabbage.
Take care of your body. Here are some additional tips for easy, natural detoxification:

  • Exercise! When in doubt, sweat it out! You can eliminate toxins through perspiration.
  • Practice Yoga or Quigong (martial-arts based exercises with tremendous health benefits).  Stretching your limbs can help to release the toxins stored in your muscles and tissue so they can be eliminated from the body.
  • Practice deep breathing techniques which allow oxygen to circulate through the brain, blood, and body systems.
  • Take a shower of hot water followed by cold water.
  • Dry brush your skin with a loofa sponge or natural bristle brush. Experts suggest brushing in a motion that moves towards the heart.

What other ways to detoxify the body?

Take herbs. Many people prefer to take herbs as part of their daily routine vitamin and nutrients. The herbs are effective in removing toxins from the body, although experts recommend talking to your doctor and pharmacist before taking herbs to ensure that they do not interfere with traditional medicines. Herbs that are commonly used for detoxification of the body include: alfalfa, Aloe leaf, burdock root, dandelion root, cascara bark, marshmallow root, milk thistle, rhubarb root, elm bark red and sarsaparilla. Many of these herbs can also be found in teas that you can drink on a regular basis.

Try activated charcoal to eliminate toxins and cleanse the body. For more information on the use of activated carbon, ask an expert at your local health food store.

Use essential oils. Look essential oils pure grade, therapeutic, such as Young Living. Essential oils can also be applied to the skin, and as such, are commonly used in detoxification massage spas and salons. Essential oils can also be used as aromatherapy, and many can be consumed.

Head to the spa. Get a massage or hit the sauna. (Not a bad way to detox, am I right ??) Some spas are now far infrared saunas, which use harmless rays to increase the production of sweat to release toxins through the skin. Try a body, a technique that has been used for centuries for body detox wrap. Get iconic foot bath, which removes toxins through your feet soak in a basin of water streams containing that attract metals. After one of these spa treatments, make sure to drink lots of water to hydrate your body.

Use a detox supplement package. Although it was not the right method for me, many people choose to supplement cleaned using packets. They can be purchased in health food stores, pharmacies and even in many supermarkets. These packages usually include cleaning three days, seven calendar day or fourteen days. Usually they are based pills do detoxify nutrients and ingredients. The vast majority of detox kits are safe to use, even if they may contain herbs and you should tell your doctor before taking them.
There are other methods to detoxify the body, but these are some of the most used and easiest methods to follow. The best methods are those that are good for you, because they are as follows.

What you need to know about detox

Understand that some detox methods may have minimal side effects. For example, when I was an ionic foot bath a few years ago, my feet were itching badly at ease a day after my friend had no side effects at all. Remember that substances are removed from your body are quite hard and can include everything from metals, chemical dyes and side effects of radiation and should be temporary until the toxins are gone. As with any treatment for any condition, consult your doctor if symptoms persist.

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How do you know that you are suffering from malnutrition

How do you know that you are suffering from malnutrition

Since most people do not have the ability to see if they suffer from poor nutrition or that his body does not get the nutrients and tonics and vitamins needed by the body. So how can you be seen and follow up your health? But first, well aware that weight gain is never proof of your health and you enjoy all the nutrients that your body needs it The weight is not a scale never.

1. What are the signs of good nutrition? 

The person can find out if he enjoyed his body to feed sound just looking at himself in a woman it must be noted that his body moderate textures - weight and height are appropriate for the age - soft skin and soft - Eyes featured - strong teeth and free of any decay - enjoy the same natural and mild - Face not blurry or pale - color interior of the eye lids and lips bright red and pink. If you find one of these appearances Not as I mentioned  there is something you have to discover your body.

2. wasting disease:

Wasting disease is a disease of malnutrition resulting from lack of protein and energy and materials may become infected by a person from a young age as a child between 6-14 months. One of the main symptoms of this disease: weight loss sharply, and the absence of any body fat "skin and bones" features As features elderly person look as a person is in a state of constant hunger

3. Alkuachiurkor disease:

It is also one of malnutrition diseases resulting from lack of proteins, carbohydrates and usually affects a person when the children between one and three years and is spreading among the poor children layers and of the symptoms of this disease, the body swelling, especially the legs and feet and sometimes the face and cracked skin and cover some peels as the hair is fragile and easy removal and fall and change or lose color and a person is always or most of the times unconscious appetite and often get sick and frequent diarrhea.
The next enlargement of the liver and mouth ulcers and infections to a lack of vitamin "B" and the child uncle Lilly and dry eye to lack of vitamin "A" may become infected. And when conducting analyzes of the child discover his injury anemia and low protein in blood serum, as well as low potassium and calcium from the blood

4. How does the nutritional care to malnourished?

There are some commandments a person must be carried out by himself to prevent malnutrition diseases
- Attention to food and the manner in which the right kind of food intake of vegetables and fruit a day on a regular basis and eating fresh fruit and enough amount of proteins, carbohydrates and starches.
- To get away as possible from the Food foods are foods do not contain any nutritional benefits with the calories they contain enormous increase weight without providing it with its needs food.
As for the most important vitamins that should give it to the person at the suffering malnutrition - Vitamin "A" - "d" - "C" disease and "B complex".
Source: The Book of proper nutrition style

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The benefits of laughter on human health

The benefits of laughter on human health
the benefits of laughter - health benefits of laughter- physical health benefits of laughter,

Studies and medical research has shown that laughter varying effects on human health. What we do know, and we see that laughter relieves pain and reduces stress and makes us happy, but would we expect that also strengthens the immune?!

 Given the importance of the effect of laughter laughter clubs began to spread yoga way in some developed countries like the United States flag in the US.

In spite of its importance, many do not get enough to laugh every day. One study has revealed that the health of the child laughs what Nearly 400 times, while not laugh of more than 15 times per day on average. It is a small number compared to the health benefits of laughter.
In order to sense the importance of real laughter, let's review together how it will reflect positively on our health.

Hormones that cause tensionThe first of the benefits of laughter that it helps to reduce the hormones that cause tension in the body, Kalchollstrul and epinephrine, and adrenaline.

Increase the immuneLaughter works at the same time to increase the hormones that improve health in general, Kalandrovens. It also works to increase the number of cells producing antibodies. This means strengthening the immune system, while reducing the body physically affected as a result of exposure to stress. Which leads to better disease resistance.

Physical and emotional relaxationFrom the obvious positive effects on the body after the laughter sense of physical and emotional relaxation together, note that after the laughter muscles remain relaxed for about 45 minutes.

Internal exercises do not feelDid you know you play sports during laughter? Laughter requires some internal exercise that occur automatically without that we feel. Deep Laughter works on tightening the diaphragm, it is also working on the constriction of the abdominal muscles. Exercise also helps to shoulder muscles, then Astrechaiha more than normal after the completion of laughter.

To get rid of negative emotionsEshettna laugh about some of the negative emotions, such as anger, guilt, and tension. Also it makes us more capable of dealing with problems.

Laughter provide the body with energyLaughter faster deadly weapon for pain and tension, there is no way any rebalance the body and mind faster than laughter, it strengthens hope and makes us communicate with others easily and increases concentration. The result is the ability to innovate and problem-solving therapy.

Laughter protects the heartLaughter direct impact on the health of the heart, it enhances the function of blood vessels and improves blood flow, which helps to prevent the risk of heart attack and vascular diseases in general.

Laughter and mental healthIncluding that laughter reduces stress and increases the relaxation, therefore it improves mental health. So as to increase the space for one's mind to see things more realistically and without exaggeration. And prevent decision-making under psychological pressure.

CaloriesIncrease calorie burn of the things that occupy a lot of people. The good news is that laughter is deeply five times a day leads to the burning of the number of calories that mimic the body loses when you use a muscle twitch or a rowing machine for ten minutes.
And laugh for 10 to 15 minutes a day helps the body's loss of nearly 3 kilograms

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