10 great foods help to build strong muscles

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Build muscle and strengthen it requires exercise and proper nutrition, two factors that can not do without either of them. What are these foods that help to strengthen the muscles?
We offer you here some of them.
 Some tips for those who want to build strong muscles and twisted, also offered some foods that go back a tremendous benefit to the body:

Water:drinking water is important to strengthen the muscles in Fa? 75 per cent of the same muscle tissue is made up of water. So it is advisable to drink between one and a half liter to two liters of water per day. The amount of water depends on the quality of food eaten. If you eat a lot of vegetables and salads, which already contains a good amount of water, it is enough to drink a liter and a half liter of water. Other than that you should drink two liters a day.

Eggs: Eggs contain a huge amount of amino acids and is a wonderful source to supply the body's proteins. Preferably if eating raw eggs. Can prepare a healthy drink of orange juice add the banana and coconut spoon and two eggs.

Fish:Fish of food that also contain huge amounts of protein. Experts recommend eating fish from once to twice a week.

Nuts:almonds, walnuts of food that contribute to muscle building. In addition to containing proteins are also a huge source of calcium and decisiveness extends iron and magnesium.

Legumes:contain huge amounts of amino acids. The carbohydrates in legumes are digested slowly helps to moderate blood sugar.

Peanut butter: peanut contains a large proportion of proteins and healthy fats and few carbohydrates. Peanut butter is a good source to supply the body with amino acids as well.

Spinach:Spinach important types of vegetables to strengthen the muscle building.

Broccoli:It is a kind of vegetable species from eating broccoli and preferably several times a week, and it contains a large proportion of protein (3.2 grams per 100 grams) and little carbohydrates. It also provides the body with antioxidants and vitamins, and is one of the more foods that are defined as protect against cancer.

Berries: different types of berries tremendous source to supply the body with antioxidants and vitamins that contribute to building muscles of the body.

Rice:a spoon and a half of rice protein contains 16 grams of protein protein. Therefore, rice is an important source of protein for strengthening and building the muscles of the body. The stomach embrace it well and are digested by one hundred percent, not to mention that provide the body with vitamin (B)

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