Some useful food for pregnant women in the early stages of her pregnancy

When you realize the pregnant woman it is in the early stages of pregnancy, especially the first three months, are mixed feelings between fear and excitement, thus increasing interest in itself, and in a manner fed, and a way of life, so pregnant women are advised at this particular stage, learning more about diet its own, and which could avert the common pregnancy problems, such as nausea, and fatigue, and fatigue, and of these foods that benefit the pregnant woman and her child in the first three months of pregnancy:

  • Breakfast Cereal

Folic acid and vitamin regarded by 12 of the most necessary things for pregnant women, so that they work on the pooling of blood, and help in the maturation of red blood cells, any deficiency in folic acid may lead to birth defects in the fetus, such as defects in the skull, or spinal column, so doctors pregnant women are advised to follow the rich in folic acid diet, during the first three months, by eating breakfast cereals or fortified cereals, which contain 400 mg of folic acid in every pot, and to ensure you get the right amount of acid, it is recommended to take additional foods , containing 200 mg of it, such as asparagus, peas and black.

  • Dried beans and lentils

The child develops during the first three months of pregnancy, rapidly, Mother you need in this period to eat protein-rich, the child's development to ensure the well, so you need to 10 additional fines for each day of the protein through three months, for an average you need to 60 grams of proteins found in the diet, and is beans and lentils from protein-rich foods, so that it contains 15 grams of it, so women are advised pregnant taking it, and make it a main meal in their diets, by placing it on the power, or boiled, or cooked.

  • Milk

Must be a lot of milk intake during pregnancy, to help the child members on growth and development, and due to an increase the body's absorption of calcium from food, more than normal times, experts pregnant women recommends eating about 1000 mg of calcium a day, where are advised to drink two cups of skim milk or low-fat, to get 30 percent of the needs of the body of calcium.

  • Bananas

Pregnant woman's body and needs, especially in the first months of pregnancy, a lot of potassium, which helps to reduce the symptoms of fatigue, and nausea, as a result of the changes experienced by the body, to adapt to the growth of the child inside, so pregnant experts recommend eating a banana and one every day at least, to maintain the same strong and healthy, and to fight nausea, especially when taken on an empty stomach.

  • Salmon

Works intake of fat or unsaturated fatty acids, such as Omega-3, on the development of the child devices, and growth, and help to overcome the fatigue caused by load factors, as and works to strengthen the nervous system growth for the child, so it is a salmon is a rich source these acids, which are recommended to address them for the development of children's brains, and a lot of them are not recommended because they contain mercury, which might harm the body.

  • Eggs

Eating eggs, one of the best foods that promote the presence of vitamin choline in the body, and is a type of B vitamin, which needs the fetal brain, and develops from his memory, and be distinguished in usually yolk, so the mother is advised pregnant woman eating a single grain of hard-boiled eggs Daily.

  • Milk

Excellent sources of zinc, they help in the growth of cells and the baby tissue, and repair damaged tissue, is also responsible for the DNA of the child formation, so try eating yogurt, because they contain bacteria probiotics, which has a strong advantage for pregnant women, so as to facilitate the process of digestion, and enhances the immune system has, and also milk contains calcium is necessary for the growth of the bones of children properly.

  • Lean meat

Pregnant woman's body is suffering from fatigue and exhaustion during the three months of pregnancy, so it is recommended more frequent eating iron-rich foods, which include lean meat, which can be absorbed by the body easily, when at least iron levels in the body, it increases the vulnerability of body fatigue.

  • Oranges

Prevent pregnant women from taking the drugs when exposed to the common cold, or the flu, during the first months of pregnancy, so they need huge amounts of vitamin C, which increases the immunity of her body, and strengthens immunity, by eating oranges, which reduces serious complications which may be exposed to the carrier, such as pneumonia, and bronchitis.

  • Garlic

It helps garlic intake in reducing high blood which may sustain as a pregnant woman pressure, as and reduces the risk of pre-eclampsia, which is recommended capturing to avoid these serious health effects in pregnancy, by adding it to foods Such as Pizza, and scrambled eggs, and some snacks.

  • Almonds

Almonds contains many nutrients beneficial, such as potassium, and fiber, and vitamin E, and protein, where fiber working to address constipation, and helps vitamin E in maintaining the body of the child health, and also helps to reduce the risk of asthma and allergies in children, so it is recommended to take 10-20 almond per day.

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