Fitness and movement to protect the human body from diseases

Fitness and movement- to protect the human body from diseases- to protect the human body- fitness- diseases,

The life of luxury in the modern world has become a direct cause of the afflicted us diseases and illnesses, Depending on the are being provided by our technology and means of physical comfort declined movement and physical activity to minimalistic.

This has led to an increase in diseases such as heart disease and age pressure and hardening of the arteries when ye of little physical activity and fitness often visually.
It has been proven, including beyond doubt the importance of the movement of physical effort in maintaining the general human health, and that any disruption to the extremities caused by inactivity will disable the functions of the members of the other internal in the body depends on the movement of these parties, from here originated the importance of movement and exercise whatever Simple to maintain a certain level of fitness, and reduce the chances of disease in the future.

We note that encourage the practice of sport is no longer restricted to only athletes, but became the subject of attention of the medical profession, and became a fitness obsession many aspire to achieve.
So we decided to help you in your decision to apply the right of exercise, and make them the basics of life.

We will begin with the definition of fitness, and a statement of its elements, and how they are measured, then we will look into how to perform any exercise program you choose, and access to the required physical fitness.
The concept of fitness (Physical Fitness) concept Old different views on the definition based on the differing interests of researchers and scientists and their specialties, as the concept of fitness in athletes different from the ordinary people.
You can define fitness in athletes as the ability to withstand the muscular effort for a long time, and bearing performance sports activity carried out by the player.
The concept of fitness for the average non-athlete person defines as a situation that will help us to do the daily work actively and lively and alert and without fast fatigue, and gives us the ability to do additional activities when necessary, as well as is the ability to withstand the constant pressure, which can not afford the average person a little fitness, and this basic rule for the health and safety of the body.

Fitness is part of the overall fitness, which includes all psychological, physical, mental, social and health aspects.
Fitness elements
Numerous ideas and concepts about components of fitness elements multiple attributes to be tested, but it can be broken down as follows:
First, health-related fitness include:
The efficiency of the devices league and respiratory, muscular strength and flexibility, muscular endurance, physical installation.
Second: the skill-related fitness include:
Speed, carrying capacity of the muscles, agility, reaction speed, balance.
It is clear from the foregoing that all fitness performance-related elements of physical access to the concept of integrated physical fitness, but recently began to increase interest in health-related elements.

We will provide some detail about these elements and how they are measured.
1.Cardiorespiratory fitness: a cardiac respiratory system's ability to take oxygen and transport, to provide the necessary exertion of physical energy, cardiorespiratory fitness and is considered one of the most important elements of physical fitness, they relate to the capabilities of the body functional, but they measure the ability of the individual to the larger amount of oxygen consumption during physical effort .

And lead physical training to raise the oxygen consumption to the maximum, measured this consumption through the stomach devices for this purpose, and there are some field tests that can be made to see the cardiorespiratory fitness of the individual in the absence of laboratory tests, carried out by measuring the time it takes to cut a certain distance ( like a mile or two miles), or calculate the distance traveled in a given period of time.

2.Physical installation: and is defined as the proportion of grease in the body weight to the weight of non-fat parts such as bones and muscles, is known to increase the proportion of body fat gives poor results in the fitness tests, in addition to the threat to health.

And it needs the human body to grease the work of the various organs of the body, and the average ratio of the natural grease in the men's bodies of between 15 and 20% of body weight, and in women 2228%, but these percentages less when athletes to reach, on average, they have to 12% in men , and 18% in women.

You can determine the percentage of body fat by measuring the weight under water, or a field in ways such as measuring the thickness of the skin layer in certain locations of the body, and then converted by a special mathematical equations.

3.Fitness musculoskeletal: Show body muscle ability, and the strength of the abdominal muscles, and flexibility of the muscles of the lower back, and the muscles of the back thigh, and often results in a lack of flexibility of the muscles of the lower back and the muscles of the back thigh, and weakness in the abdominal muscles to injury pain of the lower back.

And measured fitness musculoskeletal elements through field tests, measured by the carrying capacity of the abdominal muscles by sitting of inpatient test with knees bent and counted the number of times sitting of lying down in one minute, and can be measured by the flexibility of the muscles of the lower back and the muscles of the back thigh by bending the trunk to the maximum the extent possible from a sitting position or stand using a wooden box lined it listed, and the ability of muscle can be measured through the vertical jump or long jump.

We recall who want to start a sports program to gain access to fitness that the fitness status of personal vary from person to person and is affected as well as age, gender, heredity and personal habits, and exercise, dietary habits, and if it was difficult to change the first three factors, it we can develop the remaining factors, for the best results.

We must exercise before starting any exercise program group taking into account the following guidelines:
First: the warm-up exercises and cooling
Before starting any exercise must first be carrying out heating and warm-up, for a period ranging from 5 to 10 minutes, and warm-up exercises: walking and slow jogging, moving the arms forward and backward (in a circle), the highest body Wolf in a circular motion.
Must also end the exercises exercises cooling, such as slow walking, Movements stretch tight hands and feet, for a period ranging from 5 to 10 minutes.

The importance of warm up and do exercises in heating:
Alert the various organs of the body to do its part, and give flexibility to the muscles to work, and increase the speed of the heartbeat, and increase the amount of blood flow, and the organization of the process of breathing and increase his speed, as well as the speed of blood circulation, and raise body temperature.

And which does not give the required warm-up exercises important cause great damage to his body, it has been exposed to direct injury which have an impact.
Second, the appropriate sports apparel
All clothes are not suitable for exercise, but should be some simple conditions in the sports apparel are available, including:
• to be spacious and comfortable.
• not hinder movement.
• not be thick, because the body will generate considerable heat when you exercise.
• be white or light-colored, so as to reflect the sun's rays and be the coldest of the body.
• be of cotton fabric absorbs sweat, not of rubber or plastic fabrics, because they hinder the process of sweating, and may lead to high body temperature.
Third: The best times to exercise
In general it should be an individual puts table exercise to suit his spare time, and it is important to attend to this table is not broken, but it is advisable to work out between the sixth and tenth o'clock in the morning; for it is the best sport times, and this makes it a more active person during his daily work, as can be exercised exercises evening after the afternoon, before dinner, or at least one hour.
Fourth: Stop exercise performance in the following cases
• If you are sick.
• If you feel tired.
• If you feel hungry or thirsty.
• If eaten, they must wait for two or three hours before exercising.
• In very cold or damp air, or in the middle of the day in the summer.
The foundations of the sports program success
The sports program in order to achieve the desired goals and outcomes, and to obtain the required physical fitness should follow the following principles:
• Choose the appropriate exercises: you must exercise appropriate gender and age, and the environment be before starting any type of exercise.
• regularity in the exercise: exercise, I prefer to exercise three times a week at least to maintain a constant level of fitness.
• exercise more over time: it must increase the duration of exercise, and replicated to raise fitness.

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