Health and food pyramid

Health Food- Health Pyramid- health food pyramid,

You may have heard the term food pyramid so much before, but do you know how you can be bound by it?

Food pyramid food groups is a guide on how to classify, as well as its relationship with some. Foods in the base of the pyramid is the most useful and must possess the largest part of your meal. While the foods at the top of the pyramid is that you should be underreported.

The food pyramid components

  • Starches or Alcarbohedrits

This is the basis of healthy food pyramid. Why? Because it makes you live sound health. They also affect what you eat and linked to al-Qaeda Statistics energy where "change in weight = the number of calories gained - the number of calories consumed," continued the exercises make you lose excess weight and are therefore an essential part of the process of weight loss.

  • Whole grains

  • The body uses carbohydrates in order to obtain energy primarily. Krbojedat there are good and bad. Best sources of carbohydrates are whole grains such as oats, flour, whole-grain bread (bread age), as well as brown rice. The body can not digest all that whole grains quickly digested as other carbohydrates like white flour. This keeps the blood sugar level and insulin level also. Good control of blood levels of insulin and ensures control the feeling of hunger and also prevents diabetes (Phase II), as well as heart disease.

    • Fats and oils Health

    Most people think that fat is harmful. But the fact that the fat found in the base of the pyramid means that they like it as important as the rest of the ingredients. But not all the fat, here we mean the good fats such as olive oil, corn oil, sunflower oil and other vegetable oils, as well as the oils in nuts, seeds, avocados and fish such as salmon. This kind of good fats improves the level of cholesterol in the blood (when eaten instead of carbohydrates) as the fat found in fish protects the heart of any symptoms sudden and deadly.

  • Vegetables and fruit

  • Diet based on vegetables and fruits has great benefits and contains a lot of 
    vitamins and antioxidants. In the food pyramid is not a part of potatoes and vegetables because they contain a quick digestion materials also have the same effect on the body sugar. So Vbatatts at the top of the top of the pyramid where the little communion.

    • Nuts and seeds, legumes

    This group is an excellent source of protein, fiber, vitamins and mineral water. Legumes contain cowpea beans, beans, lentils and other legumes, which are usually sold dried. The mismatch nuts, almonds, walnuts, peanuts, hazelnuts, pistachios, all contain good oils. It can replace red meat and processed in beans and nuts to reduce heart disease and diabetes.

    • Fish, poultry, eggs

    These are also good sources of protein. Eating fish can reduce the risk of heart disease as the fish rich in omega-3 oils. Chickens and turkeys are also a good source of protein and started out a few of saturated fat. The egg is another source of protein, but be careful not to eat more than 4 eggs per week to maintain cholesterol.

    • Milk and milk products

    Milk is a good source of calcium and vitamin D. Probably wondering why there is no milk in the base of the food pyramid? It turns out that to get the necessary amount of vitamin D should eat 3 cups of milk a day, and at the same time that the three cups the calcium too much This means that it can not rely on milk as the only source of vitamin D, where it turns out that the high proportion of milk consumption increases the incidence of serious diseases such as prostate and ovarian cancer. At the same time there are several other sources for calcium and vitamin D. 

    • Red meat and cooked meat and butter

    These foods should be eaten in moderation appears near the top of the food pyramid because they contain a lot of saturated fat. Vallhom manufacturers such as hot dogs with high levels of sodium. Avoid processed meats and Cut down on red meat and will not exceed more than twice a week.  

    • White bread, rice, pasta and Batas and sweetened         drinks, sweets and salt


    These foods at the top of the food pyramid because they cause a rapid and significant increase in blood sugar, which leads to weight gain and diabetes, heart disease and other chronic disorders.

    • Take care quality and balance

    You'll notice that the food pyramid does not talk about a certain number or amount to eat. The idea behind the food pyramid is simply show you what should and what should Eat of reduse From taken to bring about the desired balance .    


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